January 8, 2014 in Anniversary, Conference Announcement, ICMS, International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo
49th International Congress on Medieval Studies
8-11 May 2014
[Published on our first website on 8 January 2014, with updates there and here]
We announce the program for our sponsored and co-sponsored sessions at the next International Congress on Medieval Studies, when we will celebrate our anniversary year, along with that of one of our co-sponsors, the Societas Magica. 2014 marks the 20th anniversary of the Societas Magica. For the Research Group on Manuscript Evidence, it marks our 15th anniversary as a nonprofit educational organization and our 25th anniversary as an international scholarly society. This is the ninth year of our co-sponsorship with the Societas Magica, and the first year of co-sponsorship with the Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies at the University of Florida. The Events at this Congress celebrate these shared accomplishments.
This year, with the transition to our second, updated website (begun in 2014 and completed in 2015), we began to issue the announcements for a given Congress in a series of blogposts, rather than overwriting its statements, which had left only the final state in view. Here we offer the Congress Announced, with more to come.
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Tags: Abba Gärima Gospels, Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts, Archaeology, Barberini Gospels, Biblical Studies, Book of Kells, Bulgarian Studies, Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies at the University of Florida, City of Tărnovo, Corpus Christi College MS 197B, Datini Archives, Early Medieval Art, Early Ottoman Empire, Ethiopic Manuscripts, Gems, Half-Uncial Script, History of Canon Law, History of Catholicism, History of Magic, History of Music, History of Paper, History of Style, History of the Assenids, History of Watermarks, House Style, Individual Style, Insular Manuscripts, Islamic Manuscripts, Legal History, Manuscript Illumination, McGill University MS MCG 117, Medieval manuscripts, Medieval Studies, Mediterranean Trade, Orthodox Christianity, Palaeography, Polygraphism, Renaissance Studies, Renaissance Visual Culture, Second Bulgarian Empire, Silistra, Societas Magica, South-East European History, Talismans, Uncial Script, Workshop Practices, Writing materials