The New Series (2001-)

The ‘New Series’
of Symposia, Colloquia, Workshops & Seminars

Logo of the Research Group on Manuscript Evidence (colour version)

[Published on 4 March 2016, with updates]

Following our Annual Series of Symposia on ‘The Transmission of the Bible’ (1995–2000), held at various centers in New Jersey and New York, the Research Group on Manuscript Evidence concentrated on other activities, before resuming its scholarly Events in centers apart from its Sponsored Sessions at the Annual International Congress on Medieval Studies.  This ‘New Series’ commenced with the Inaugural Workshop at The College of New Jersey, celebrating the Early Medieval Forum Listserv and the Recognition of Tax-Exempt Status for the Research Group as a nonprofit educational corporation.

The posts for the individual Events in this series provide details, often with illustrations and with downloadable Booklets, laid out according to our Style Manifesto — also available freely for download.  These and related Booklets join our Publications, which, since its development, are set in our multilingual font Bembino.

Workshops & Colloquia (2001–)
held in Various Centers in the United States and England

2002 Poster in monochrome for the 'Form and Order' Symposium at The British Museum.

Symposia (2009 and 2013–)
held at Princeton University

Poster 1 for the 2016 'Words & Deeds' Symposium at Princeton University, with 4 images from the Otto Ege Collection, The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University. Photography by Lisa Fagin Davis. Reproduced by permission. Poster set in RGME Bembino

Poster 2 for 219 Anniversary Symposium, with symposium information and 2 images of cropped initials, from 12th-century Latin manuscripts, from the Princeton University Art Museum.

Poster 2 for 2019 Symposium

2020 Symposium "From Cover to Cover" Poster 2

2020 Symposium Poster 2

Colloquium (2014) held at Princeton University

Seminar (2014) held at the Index of Christian Art at Princeton University

A Collective Moment to Savor at the "Show & Tell" Seminar in December 2014

Savoring the Moment


Online Symposia (2022–)

In turning to online events from 2021 onward, the RGME resumed Symposia from 2022, but in online rather than in-person form.  The practice, moreover, created a pair of Symposia for Spring and Autumn, starting in 2022.  These cases comprise one-day events, held online and recorded. For each year, a Theme was selected.

2022 Spring and Autumn Symposia on “Structured Knowledge”

2023 Spring and Autumn Symposia on “Materials and Access”

For the 2023 Spring Symposium, by request a half-day Pre-Symposium, with a selection of Lightning Talks proposed through a widely circulated Call for Proposals.

2023 Spring Pre-Symposium on “Intrepid Borders”.

Symposium Booklets

In this online series, by the 2022 Autumn Symposium, each Symposium has had an illustrated Symposium Booklet, in a revival of our earlier tradition.  The Booklet for the 2023 Spring Symposium includes the Pre-Symposium.

The Booklets, issued in printed and digital forms, can be downloaded freely on this website.  See:


These events are described and illustrated in our Events Archive.

Also, you may Subscribe to our RGMEnewsletter.

Please watch our News and FaceBook Page for reports and updates.

2023 Posters for ICMS Sessions (hybrid): Bindings Session I. Poster set in RGME Bembino.


Update:  Now see new forms of our events, held online (since 2021) — sometimes combined with in-person participation in hybrid form (since 2023, starting with the 2023 International Congress on Medieval Studies):

Since 2023, some of these events are combined with in-person participation in a hybrid onsite/online format.  That combination started with the 2023 ICMS:

Watch this space for more Events of the RGME, in person and/or online.

