Episode 16: An Interview with Jesse D. Hurlbut

February 14, 2024 in Announcements, Event Registration, Manuscript Studies, Research Group Episodes for The Research Group Speaks, Research Group Speaks (The Series)

The Research Group Speaks
Episode 16

Saturday 22 June 2024 online
1:00–2:30 pm EST (GMT-5) by Zoom

“Trailblazing the Medieval Digital Humanities:
An Interview with Jesse D. Hurlbut”

Interviewer:  Mildred Budny, Director of the RGME

[Posted on 10 February 2024, with updates]

Jesse Hurlbut at the Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah. Photograph Jesse Hurlbut.

Jesse Hurlbut at the Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah. Photograph Jesse Hurlbut.

We invite you to attend Episode 16 in our series:

In this Episode, Jesse D. Hurlbut, RGME First WebMaster Emeritus, will speak informally about his contributions to manuscript studies, websites, digital access, and other interests.

Among them are his contributions to medieval manuscript studies, photography, and digital access; his teaching and research on French studies; his websites for himself and others (academic and non-profit organizations); his interests in promoting online communities for manuscript study and enjoyment; and more.

The Anniversary Symposium
in February 2024

Save-the-Date Poster for 2024 Anniversary Symposium in Thanks to Jesse Hurlbut. Poster set in RGME Bembino.

This event follows upon the 2024 Anniversary “Manuscript (HE)ART”, held online on Saturday 24 February 2024, as the first in the RGME’s set of Symposia for the 2024 Anniversary Year:

Taking its title from Jesse’s website Manuscript Art: Taking a Closer Look, the Symposium is designed to gather Jesse’s former students, colleagues, and friends, to consider subjects in manuscript and other studies of interest to him.

The Episode

Now, the Episode gives the chance to hear him, learn more about his interests, and join the conversation.  For example, in particular, he proposes to describe the early digital years. These recollections may record experiences viewed in hindsight and with foresight.

The Q&A to follow — or, if we wish, interlink — with the conversational interview gives the opportunity for feedback and participation.

Jesse Hurlbut holds his newly won manuscript leaf at the Kalamazoo Congress on 10 May 2014. (Photography by Mildred Budny)

Jesse Hurlbut holds his newly won manuscript leaf at the Kalamazoo Congress on 10 May 2014. (Photography by Mildred Budny)

Information about Jesse:

In His Own Words:

Information about the Episode:

Register for the Episode:

Registration is free.

We offer the option for Registration with a voluntary Donation, which we welcome.

Donations, which may be tax-deductible, help us to continue with our activities and sustain our mission for an organization principally powered by volunteers. See:

After registration, the Zoom link will be sent a few days before the event.

If you have questions or issues with the registration process, please contact

Jesse Hurlbut and others at the RGME Reception at the ICMS 9 May 2024. Photography Mildred Budny.

Jesse Hurlbut and others at the RGME Reception at the ICMS 9 May 2024. Photography Mildred Budny.

See you at the Episode!


Future Episodes

Future Episodes are planned.  See:

Other Events

We plan various other events for the 2024 Anniversary Year.

For example:

Questions or Suggestions?

Please leave your questions or comments here (below), Contact Us, or visit

We invite you to join:

Donations and contributions, in funds or in kind, are welcome and easy to give.  Given our low overheads, your donations have direct impact on our work and the furtherance of our mission.  For our Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization, your donations may be tax-deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law.  Thank you for your support!

We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at our events.


Lisbon, Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga: The mid 15th-century Saint Vincent Panels, attributed to Nuno Gonçalves. Image (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3a/Nuno_Gon%C3%A7alves._Paineis_de_S%C3%A3o_Vicente_de_Fora.jpg) via Creative Commons.
