From time to time, the Research Group on Manuscript [and Other] Evidence celebrates events and accomplishments with Receptions or Parties.
Most of our Events, such as our Symposia, and some of our annual appearances at the International Congress on Medieval Studies include Receptions. Some celebrate our Anniversary Years, as Anniversary Receptions. All are reported in their Programs and in their Archives, respectively for
From time to time, we issue printed invitations to these celebrations, circulated on paper or in digital form (as for our 2014 Anniversary Reception). The designs of these invitations are laid out according to our Style Manifesto. With the creation of our own copyright font, they are set in RGME Bembino — which you may download for FREE here.
Picture This!
Some of these celebrations are recorded in their own right, with illustrations.
At the Annual International Congress
on Medieval Studies (ICMS)
(We suspended our Receptions at the ICMS during 2020–2022 while the Congress was cancelled in 2020 and took place only online in 2021–2022.)
2016 Congress Reception and Behind the Scenes
At our Symposia and Colloquia
Customarily our Symposia and Colloquia have Receptions, often sponsored by donors.
Examples include our 2002 Colloquium at the British Museum.
For our Anniversary Years
(at the ICMS, as above, and elsewhere)
Celebrations of Accomplishments
We gladly celebrate milestones, major publications, and other occasions. Among them were the two Receptions celebrating the co-publication of the two-volume Illustrated Catalogue in 1997. They were held in May at the International Congress on Medieval Studies, home of our co-publisher, Medieval Institute Publications.
Receptions to Celebrate the Co-Publication of the Illustrated Catalogue of
Insular, Anglo-Saxon, and Early Anglo-Norman Manuscript Art at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge.
Here is our printed invitation (set in Adobe Garamond):
This publication also featured in our Activities at the 2016 Congress, including its Reception, as described in the Behind the Scenes Report. We invite you to accept the special Promotional Offer.
We thank our Donors, Co-Sponsors, and Co-Publisher for these celebrations, and we invite you to our next celebrations.
Our 2024 Anniversary Year
Preparations commence for celebrations for our 2024 Anniversary Year.
For example, we plan a co-sponsored Reception at the 2024 Congress in May.
Two Receptions are planned for the 2024 Spring Symposium at Vassar College in April.
Watch this space!