2024 Anniversary Survey

August 14, 2024 in Announcements, Manuscript Studies, Surveys

2024 Anniversary Survey

[Posted on 14 August 2024]

In our 2024 Anniversary Year, we invite you to fill out a short Survey, to gather feedback and help us guide future activities of the Research Group on Manuscript Evidence. In tune with the year’s Theme of Bridges, the Survey builds a bridge between the organizational groundwork of the RGME and our audience near and far, as we move toward the future. The Survey is open to all.

New York, Morgan Library & Museum, MS M.769, fol. 305v, detail. (Weltchronik or World Chronicle, Regensburg, Germany, 1360). Image © Morgan Library, New York, via https://ica.themorgan.org/manuscript/page/215/143938

The Goals

The results would aid us to learn about your interests and wishes as we:

  1.  launch the Friends of the RGME with meetings, competitions, and prizes to welcome our wider community;
  2.  prepare for our Anniversary Episode in September to celebrate “RGME Retrospect and Prospects” (Episode 17 of our online series “The Research Group Speaks”); and
  3.  assemble an Anniversary Anthology to celebrate our our 2024 Anniversary Year as part of our program of RGME Publications.

Lisbon, Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga: The mid 15th-century Saint Vincent Panels, attributed to Nuno Gonçalves. Image (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3a/Nuno_Gon%C3%A7alves._Paineis_de_S%C3%A3o_Vicente_de_Fora.jpg) via Creative Commons.

We welcome your suggestions and feedback.

Please note that this Survey is designed to gather feedback for our in-house use, to guide our planning better attuned to our community.

Respecting privacy and confidentiality, we might at some time report aggregate views from the Survey, but without giving names. Please feel free to give your responses in confidence.

Please join our explorations of RGME identity, purpose, impact, and futures as we reflect on past accomplishments and explore new content ideas for the direction of future symposia, meetings, and publications.

2024 Survey

The short survey should take less than ten minutes to complete.


We offer the 2024 Anniversary Survey in two forms, for respondents with or without access to Google Workspace.

  • as an interactive Google Form
  • as a downloadable Word Document
    Please send this completed form in Word as an email attachment 1) to rgme.surveys@gmail.com or 2) by mail to the RGME at 46 Snowden Lane, Princeton, New Jersey, 08540, U.S.A.

Questions or difficulties with the form(s)? 

Ask us!  Let us know via rgme.surveys@gmail.com.

Due Date

A choice of two dates gives the chance first to gather feedback before Episode 17 on 21 September 2024, and then to allow responses from that Episode.

First and Second Rounds

  1. Florence, Italy, Ponte Vecchio from Ponte alle Grazie. Photo: Ingo Mehling, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

    Florence, Italy, Ponte Vecchio from Ponte alle Grazie. Photo: Ingo Mehling, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

    Please aim to complete the Survey by Wednesday, 18 September 2024 at midnight EDT (GMT-4), when its First Round will close.

  2. A chance to complete the Survey in a Second Round will remain open until Sunday, 23 September 2024 at midnight EDT, to give scope to offer feedback after our reflective and celebratory Episode 17.


We are grateful for your time and input, and we thank you for your suggestions.

Our Survey Series

New York, Morgan Library & Museum, MS M.769, fol. 305v (Weltchronik or World Chronicle, Regensburg, Germany, 1360). Image © Morgan Library, New York, via https://ica.themorgan.org/manuscript/page/215/143938

This Survey compliments, and advances from, the Surveys respectively for our Editorial Committee and Participants designed by our Associate Jessica L. Savage in 2022.

A report by our Editorial Team about the 2022 RGME Surveys appears in Issue 2 of our eNewsletter ShelfMarks.

We warmly thank Jessica for her generous contributions to our mission and planning for activities. They are manifested, for example, in those Surveys, which inspired our 2024 Anniversary Survey designed by our Editorial Team this year, including both our

Hannah and Zoey joined these positions in 2024, as part of:

We give thanks for the advice for the 2024 Survey from the RGME Editorial Committee and other Advisors.

We look forward to learning your responses to our 2024 Anniversary Survey.

Questions? Suggestions?

Visit our Social Media:

Join the Friends of the RGME. Send your favorite recipe for Lemonade (and perhaps its Story) for our Competition.

Register for our Events by the RGME Eventbrite Collection.

Iron bridge over the Sava river at Radeče (IG. GRIDL fabrik, 1894). Photograph Petar Milošević (29 September 2020), CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons
