Medieval Women’s Networks

August 4, 2024 in Announcements, Event Registration, Events, Manuscript Studies, Medieval Women's Networks

“Medieval Women’s Networks:
Exploring Tools and Techniques
for Digital Analysis”

A Pair of Interactive Public Workshops

co-organized by
Kathy Krause and Laura Morreale
and co-sponsored by the RGME

Thursday and Friday 17–18 October 2024 (Online)
12:30–14:30 pm EDT (GMT-4)

[Posted on 5 August 2024, with updates]

We gladly announce another event for our 2024 Anniversary Year.

The RGME has been invited to co-sponsor the free 2-day online event to explore and advance the swiftly developing world of work on Medieval Women’s Networks.


The event is conceived and co-organized by experts

Laura, our RGME Associate, gave a presentation for our 2024 Anniversary Symposium “Manuscript Heart” in February. This coming event joins a series of collaborative events and projects which she helps to organize, accomplish, and publish.

We are glad to join forces with Kathy and her and all the co-sponsors for Medieval Womens’ Networks.


To be held online, the event is co-sponsored by

UMKC Center for Digital and Public Humanities Logo

Logo of the Research Group on Manuscript Evidence (colour version)


Digital Medievalist Logo


The Interactive Public Workshop will take place over two days, in sessions devoted respectively to

1) Projects. Thursday 17 October 2024
2) Data. Friday 18 October 2024

Each session is scheduled for 12:30–2:30 pm EDT (GMT-4) online.

For information see the flyer, shown here, and links below.

“Medieval Women’s Networks” Flyer.


Speakers and Digital Humanities Experts come from an international variety of centers and perspectives.

Speakers for Workshop 1: Projects

Digital Humanities Experts for Workshop 2: Data

Information and Registration

To register please visit the Event registration form via Google Docs, where can also be found online information.

If Google Workspace is not accessible to you, please contact us. (See below.)
The Event flyer is available for download on the RGME website in two formats:

London, British Museum, Additional MS 10292, fol. 149r. Prose Lancelot-Grail. Saint Omer or Tournai, 1316. Image © The British Library.

We thank the co-organizers and co-sponsors of Medieval Women’s Networks for the opportunity to join the carefully-prepared program for this outstanding event.  We look forward eagerly to it.  We invite you to join it!


Other RGME-sponsored Events
for our 2024 Anniversary Year

To register for these sponsored events, please visit the RGME Eventbrite Collection:

An RGME Bulletin Board

Ronda, Galicia, Spain, Puente Nuevo Bridge. Photograph 14 August 2007 by Mark Gilbert. Image: Judas6000 at English Wikipedia, CC BY 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons at,_Ronda_-_Spain.jpg.

The co-sponsorship for Medieval Women’s Networks leads the RGME to open a new page on our website for news about activities, projects, conference papers, publications, and initiatives by people of the RGME.  Functioning as a form of bulletin board with announcements, it appears here:

First up, with an announcement by Laura Morreale, is the Sweet 16 Competition launched by the Princeton-based Middle Ages for Educators (MAFE). The due date for proposals is 1 October 2024.

Questions? Suggestions?

  • Leave your comments or questions below
  • Contact Us

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Join the Friends of the RGME.

Consider making a Donation in Funds or in Kind for our nonprofit educational corporation powered principally by volunteers. Your donations and contributions are welcome, and can go a long way. They may be tax-deductible to the fullest extent provided by the law.

Remember to register for “Medieval Women’s Networks” for 17–18 October 2024 (see above). See you there!
