of the Research Group
on Manuscript Evidence
[Posted on 31 December 2024, with updates]

Guangxi, China, Chenyang Wind and Rain Bridge: Dong Minority Village wooden bridge (side shot, 2003-08-16).
From time to time, as occasion calls, the Research Group on Manuscript Evidence has various Committees, both Executive and Advisory.
In recent years, we have formed some new RGME Committees (unpaid) to guide our expanding activities, projects, and organizational responsibilities.
New Committees in 2024
For example, in our 2024 Anniversary Year, three were formed to augment the existing committees (see below).
1) First, in January 2024, the previous year’s Ad-Hoc Task Force for the RGME Library & Archives (2023) was established as a committee:
- RGME Task Force Committee for Records Management (as a committee from 2024)
The Ad-Hoc RGME Task Force had been created on 1 January 2023 to guide and oversee the 2023 Project “Building the Plan for Recording, Structuring, and Accessing the RGME Library & Archives”, funded by the 2023 Grant. See:
2) Next, a Committee was created to guide the oversight for various operations.
- RGME Oversight Committee for Oversight and Financial Responsibility (from 2024)
3) Then, at the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees in December, an Executive Committee was established to review and advise on the RGME ByLaws and possible Addenda for them in keeping with the growth of the organization since the adoption of the ByLaws.
- RGME Executive Committee on the ByLaws (from 2024)
These Advisory and Executive Committees work in tandem with our other active committees.
Committees formed in 2022 and 2023
Our other committees at present are these:
- RGME Advisory Board (from 2023)
- RGME Editorial Committee (from 2022)
Sub-Committee: ShelfLife Editorial Committee for RGME Anniversary Anthology (from 2024) - RGME Fund-Raising Committee (from 2023)
- RGME Recordings Editorial Team (from 2023)
- RGME Website Advisory Committee (from 2023)
These entities meet at varying intervals, as appropriate. For example, the Editorial Committee meets quarterly.
Committee Statements
on Mission, Policies, and Procedures
Part of the work of individual committees has been to draft, revise, and adopt documents for Policies & Procedures as they might help to guide our multiple activities and responsibilities as a nonprofit educational corporation.
For example, in 2023 the Fund-Raising Committee, in consultation with other committees, produced these documents:
- RGME Privacy Policy Statement
- RGME Promise to Donors
- RGME Statement on Intellectual Property
This committee was also instrumental in re-shaping the approach to the Annual Appeal, with the revival in November 2023 of the traditional Annual Appeal Letter signed by a variety of supporters and an array of supporting documents.
In the same year, the RGME Records Editorial Team produced the
- Schedule and Check-List for Post-Production of RGME Audio-Visual Recordings
This team also, in consultation with the Editorial Committee, the Editor-in-Chief of Publications, and the Research Consultant / Layout- and Font Designer, produced a set of Templates and guide-lines for our processed Recordings, including opening titles and closing credits.
In September 2023, by request, to guide the co-organizers of the 2024 Anniversary Symposium in February, the Director produced a
- Schedule and Check-List for Organizers and Participants of RGME Symposia
In consultation with the Task Force Committee and Oversight Committee, in 2024 there have been produced:
- Statements of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for our
Editorial Committee (Version 1.0) and
Website Advisory Committee (Version 1.0)
The Task Force Committee also, in consultation with advisors and accepted standards on ‘best practices’ in the field, prepares the
- RGME Policy on Records Retention
In these and other ways, the RGME advances with shaping and implementing its operations and strengthening its practices of transparency and mentorship for them.

Chenyang Dong Minority Village, Guangxi, China. (2003-08-16): Dong minority wooden bridge (side shot).
Note on the Image
Chenyang, China, Chenyang Wind and Rain Bridge, or Dong Minority Village Covered Bridge, seen from side. Completed in 1912, the wooden bridge combines bridge, corridor, veranda, and Chinese pavilion. Photograph by User:Pratyeka (2003-08-16). Image licensed by Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported via Wikimedia Commons.
On this bridge, see also, for example, Ten Famous Bridges of China.