2014 Symposium on “Recollections of the Past”
July 15, 2014 in Abstracts of Conference Papers, Bembino, Conference Announcement, Events
Recollections of the Past:
Editorial & Artistic Workshops
from Late Antiquity to Early Modernity & Beyond
Friday & Saturday 16 & 17 May 2014
138 Lewis Library
Princeton University
[First published on 15 July 2014, with updates. And now with the corrected Program Booklet:
RGME Symposium 2014 Program & abstracts corrected]
The “Save the Date” Announcement (Save the Date 16-17 May 2014) set the stage by describing the intentions and scope of the subject. To sum up:
This symposium explored the workings of workshops, as revealed through the traces of artists, craftsmen, scribes, authors, editors, printers, and patrons, across a wide range of subjects, regions, and materials, in transitions from classical antiquity and early Christianity through the long Middle Ages and thence to the early modern period and beyond. We seek to discern how these editorial agents of whatever kind shaped and reshaped materials — tangible and intangible — in transmitting the legacy of the past, often in the process to form works which perhaps seemed more viable in changing times, expectations, and systems of belief. Memory may hold a significant place among the materials, processes, and forces at work in the processes of collecting, shaping, and, in many cases, transforming complex bodies of evidence in a robust or precarious voyage from the past.
The Research Group on Manuscript Evidence warmly thank the Sponsors, Donors, and Contributors to the Symposium, which formed part of the celebrations for our 2014 Anniversary Year. Other celebrations have included our Sessions at the 2014 International Congress on Medieval Studies in May, along with an Anniversary Reception. Read the rest of this entry →