Design & Layout of “The Illustrated Catalogue”
October 12, 2018 in Bembino, Design, Interviews, Manuscript Studies, Parker Library, Photographic Exhibition, Reports, Uncategorized
Continuing our series of interviews and reports, we explore the processes by which Mildred Budny’s 2-volume Insular, Angl0-Saxon, and Early Anglo-Norman Manuscript Art at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge: An Illustrated Catalogue (“The Catalogue” or “The Illustrated Catalogue”) was designed, laid out, and typeset to camera-ready copy for its publication as a set of 2 volumes of “Text” and “Plates”.
Now we present a joint interview with the Author and the Layout Designer of “The Illustrated Catalogue”.
For information about that publication see Insular, Anglo-Saxon, and Early Anglo-Norman Manuscript Art at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge: An Illustrated Catalogue.
Our interview appears in the new Booklet describing “The Design and Layout of ‘The Illustrated Catalogue’ “. This 16-page booklet is available freely as a pdf for quarto-size pages:
- As a series of consecutive pages.
- In foldable booklet form suitable for printing on 11 1/2 in. × 17 in. sheets.
Some of the background for preparing this ground-breaking publication is described in the “Interview with our Font & Layout Designer” (published in print on 25 September 2016 and online on 6 October 2016), with illustrations, and downloadable here.
For the progress and development of our Research Group Publications, please see our Publications. We invite your contributions, suggestions, and feedback.