2015 Congress Call for Papers
July 16, 2014 in Conference Announcement, ICMS, International Congress on Medieval Studies
Sessions Sponsored and Co-Sponsored
by the Research Group on Manuscript Evidence
at the 50th International Congress on Medieval Studies
Western Michigan University, 14–17 May 2015
Deadline for Proposals: 15 September 2014
For the 50th Congress, the Research Group on Manuscript Evidence (RGME) prepares five Sessions to celebrate a wide range of interests and explorations in the realms of medieval, early modern, and related studies. We continue sponsorships and co-sponsorships of sessions, designed to showcase the work of younger, independent, and established scholars and teachers alike, in a constructive interchange between areas of expertise and spans of experience.
We invite proposals for papers for the 2015 Sessions. Please send your proposed title and abstract directly to the session organizers by 15 September 2014, along with the completed Congress Participant Information Form (PIF) [no longer online, following the deadline]. We welcome your questions and suggestions. Read the rest of this entry →