Porreca (2024 Congress)

David Porreca
(University of Waterloo)

“The Septem tractatus seu capitula Hermetis Trismegisti:
Toward a Critical Edition”

Abstract of Paper
presented at the 59th International Congress on Medieval Studies
(Kalamazoo, 2024)

Session on “Alchemical Manuscripts, Printed Books, and Materials”

Co-Sponsored by the Societas Magica
and the Research Group on Manuscript Evidence

Organized by David Porreca

2024 Congress Program


In their 2001 survey of texts attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, Paolo Lucentini and Antonella Sannino produced a 126-page handlist tallying 46 separate titles.  Of these, only one is relevant to the science of alchemy.  The list is missing one treatise, however:  the Septem tractatus seu capitula Hermetis Trismegisti, which will be the focus on this paper.

The intent is to engage in a survey of the twenty surviving manuscripts, as well as the two early modern printed editions. This paper will offer palaeographical, codicological, and linguistic observations and analyses, expanding on the work done by Michela Pereira in her 2003 article on the topic: “Il cuore del’alchemia”.  The paper will offer an assessment of the challenges involved in editing this text, as well as a basic stemma codicum.

As the work unfolds, developments in the plan of approach can be mentioned as part of this interim report of collaborative work, as outlined here.


Note:  We thank David for his many contributions to Sessions co-sponsored by the Societas Magica and the RGME over the years, from organizing Sessions, through presiding for them, to presenting papers or responses.  His other contributions to RGME activities are many as well, from presenting papers or responses for our online Symposia to joining the Editorial Committee, the Website Advisory Committee, and, in 2023, the Board of Trustees.
