2024 International Congress on Medieval Studies: Call for Papers
July 8, 2023 in International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, POMONA, Postal History at Kalamazoo, Societas Magica, Uncategorized
2024 International Congress on Medieval Studies: Call for Papers
59th ICMS (9–11 May 2024)
To occur in ‘hybrid’ form
(with some Sessions in Person, some Online)
[Posted on 7 July 2023, with updates]

Façade of the Celsus library , in Ephesus, near Selçuk, west Turkey. Photograph (1910): Benh LIEU SONG, via Creative Commons.
Building upon the successful completion of our activities at the 2023 ICMS (see our 2023 International Congress on Medieval Studies Program and 2023 International Congress on Medieval Studies: Report), we announce the Call for Proposals (CFP) for next year’s Congress, which will take place in a modified hybrid format from Thursday to Saturday 9–11 May 2024.
For information about the Congress, see its website. There you can also find information and instructions about submitting your proposals. See especially Submissions. Your proposals for papers are due by 15 September 2023.
After the close of the CFP, we will select the accepted papers and design the programs for the Sessions. Notifying you of the decisions about your proposals will come before the deadline for us to submit the Programs for our Sessions to the Congress Committee is 15 October 2023.
Next, normally by the turn of the year toward the year of the Congress, we publish the selected Programs for our Sessions and announce our other Activities, while we await the promulgation of the official Schedule for the 2023 Congress as a whole. Accompanying our announced Programs are the Abstracts for the Papers. Then, with the publication of the Congress Program (or its traditional ‘Sneak Peek’), we can add the times and venues for our Sessions. As the 2024 Congress approaches, new information can guide announcements and updates on our website and social media.
For 2024, with some Sessions on line and some in person in a transitional ICMS, we prepare:
- four Sessions, sponsored and co-sponsored
- a customary Open Business Meeting at the Congress
- and perhaps a Reception.
In 2024, the RGME celebrates an Anniversary Year, for which the chosen Theme is “Bridges”.
One Session is our own (Item I). With one session each, our co-sponsors for ICMS Sessions in 2024 are:
- Societas Magica
- Polytheism-Oriented Medievalists of North America (P.-O.M.o.N.A.)
- Postal History at Kalamazoo
This year marks Year 20 of our co-sponsorship with the Societas Magica, Year 3 of co-sponsorship with P.O.M.o.N.A., and the first year of co-sponsorship with the newly founded Postal History at Kalamazoo.
Both our own RGME Session (Item I here) and the Session co-sponsored with Postal History at Kalamazoo (Item IV) are designed to continue the tradition of our long-term series of RGME Sessions at the ICMS on “Medieval Writing Materials”, which began in 2014. (See, for example, our Congress Activities and 2022 International Congress on Medieval Studies Program.)
The Organizers and Co-Organizer of the two Sessions this year include all three founders of that series. It was proposed to the RGME Director Mildred Budny in 2013 by Eleanor A. Congdon and David W. Sorenson.
Here we announce the subjects of the Sessions and invite your Proposals for Presentations.